Why is it so HARD to write in a BLOG regularly?
I've been trying to decide why it is so hard to right in my blog regularly? I think it is a lot like journal writing. Some folks are really good at that and other "not so good". I guess that is my category! I have started numerous blogs but not finished them up. Like this blog I started back in February. I have lots of things we have been doing and cooking so once again I am going to try and start posting some more regularly. Maybe that is the secret doing it on one specific day and or time? Well I will try it. Lots of things have been going on in the family and I'll try and get you all updated. Plus I've found lots of new recipes that we have been working on to convert to Dutch Ovens. So I'll try to be better. Let me know how you find it easiest to write in your blogs.
Hope all is well.