Wednesday's Dutch Oven Recipe

Easy Parmesan Breadsticks

12” Dutch Oven


2 ½-3 Cups of Flour

1 Package of Yeast

1 Cup of Warm Water

2 Tablespoons of Olive oil

1 Teaspoon of Salt

2-3 Tablespoons of butter melted

Parmesan Cheese

Garlic salt to taste

1 Tablespoon of Sesame seeds

Soften the yeast in the cup of warm water. (About 5 minutes) Add the oil and the salt to the liquid and mix up, then add 1 ½ cups of flour and mix well. Add the rest of the flour about ½ cup at a time until it forms a nice dough. Knead for 5-8 minutes until dough is a nice consistency. Rub or spray with oil and put in a covered bowl until it doubles in size. (About 1 hour) Then punch the dough down and start forming your breadsticks by rolling them in your hands or on the table top. Dip them in butter and place them in your 12” oven. Pour the remainder of the melted butter over the breadsticks. Then sprinkle them with parmesan cheese, garlic and sesame seeds to your taste. Cover and let them raise for 15-25 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees (15 coals on the top and 9 on the bottom) for 30-40 minutes. Enjoy warm plain or add additional toppings! Good Stuff!


Answer to Many said…
Yummy! We made the peach plum crisp the other day with the fruit out of yard it was delicious! Thanks for sharing! It's been really fun to see you guys so much latley. And if we dont' have a baby this weekend to maybe twice! Byron's wedding and Ryan's Birthday
Emily said…
Mmmm sounds delicious!
Answer to Many said…
I need more recipes and an update with all the cute pics of your new grandkids!!! UPDATE please! Miss you guys!
Tina Butler said…
I saw your profile photo and I had to come check out your site. I love dutch ovens and cooking in them I am adding you to my blog roll. Thank for stopping by my site.

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