Ok I got an email from my sister the other day and it had a bunch of desserts on it. Maybe you have all seen it or one similar. You pick on and then scroll down and it tells you about your personality etc. And of course at the top it says don't cheat and look at the bottom. Well the list of desserts they had it was kind of hard for me to pick. I wanted like pie or something different then what was shown. If I remember I think the choices were chocolate cake, strawberry shortcake, carrot cake, white cake with chocolate frosting, angel food cake, and probably a couple others I don't remember. Well I chose Carrot cake! But as I chose that I was thinking about my wife's carrot cake. I don't like some others that I have had in the past.
Well anyways here is the question.....What is your favorite dessert? I'm always looking for ideas for upcoming cook-offs and I thought maybe your choices would be better than mine. I have a ton I want to try but their is never enough time. What dessert do you get when you have a choice at the restaurant?


Answer to Many said…
New York Cheesecake with peach topping. andrea
I like to make a choclate cake with carmel and english toffee infused in it with a cream cheese frosting, yummy. sam
when we go on trips to Oregon we always order chocolate in a bag from the whales tail in newport. they make the bag out milk chocolate, dark chocolate mixed in layers with a white chocolate creamy truffle filling.
The Ruotis said…
I absolutely love Brownies of any kind especially with chocolate frosting on them. Another of my favorites is Peach Cobbler. You should invite us over next time you make a yummy dessert. We would love to be guinea pigs for anything new you are trying!!!
Chesney said…
Hey Bishop, I love, love, love any dessert with Oreos. You can never go wrong with chocolate!!
Jaclyn said…
hey, do you know what time trunk or treat is at and is it at the church. can't wait to see you guys.
Shan said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE any dessert with pumpkin in it. That pic of the cake on here makes me salivate :) Let me know what you did to perfect it!
Answer to Many said…
How come you comment on other people's blogs like the Crowells? I am starting to think you like them better...
kody said…
Cheesecake! Is that even possible in Dutch oven world?
Ted said…
Cheesecake is done all the time. It is always one of the big winners
Ranes said…
I really like my Texas Sheet Cake and the different variations, but it never really scored that well in cook-offs.

I don't remember the names, but I LOVE a chocolate dessert at Wingers and a chocolate cake at Black Angus.

I'm pretty fond of Bananas Foster. I think Omar has been working on a Bananas Foster cake. If you decided to try it, I want to personally hand you some rum for the recipe. =0)

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